Mango and passionfruit cream with dulce de leche


For the mango and passionfruit cream

– 200 g Mango pulp
– 70 g Passionfruit pulp
– 3 yolks
– 2 small eggs
– 60 g sugar
– 75 g butter
– 5 g leaf gelatine (2 leaf and a half)

For the Dulce de Leche cream

– 300 g Pastry Dulce de Leche Márdel
– 150 g semi whipped cream



Mix Mango and Passionfruit pulp with sugar, yolks and eggs. Heat the mixture, remove from heat and add previously hydrated gelatine.

Add butter and beat the mixture.
Pour the mixture into the cups and let cool.

For the Dulce de Leche cream, mix Pastry Dulce de Leche with semi whipped cream.
For the plating, put one layer of mango and passionfruit cream and let it cool. Then add the Dulce de Leche cream. Optional tip: decorate with small cubes of fresh mango.